3 Key Ways Hardware-As-A-Service Helps Your Business

To succeed in today’s technology driven world, Australian businesses are increasingly compelled to improve operational efficiency and over-deliver on value in order to secure a competitive advantage. No matter what size the business, the IT function plays a pivotal role in achieving this. But often the very technology that drives operations is also one of its greatest drains on financial and human resources.

Cloud services are increasingly providing a solution to this problem. Most of us have already embraced the technology with Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) to perform a myriad of everyday functions like accounts (eg. Xero), email (eg. Gmail) and entertainment (eg. Netflix).

Hardware-As-A-Service (HAAS) takes this efficiency, flexibility and cost effectiveness to the next level. HAAS is a subscription-based service that fulfills your IT hardware, software and maintenance needs without the need to buy equipment or for substantial time to be invested by your in-house IT staff. Essentially, HAAS turns your IT hardware needs into a service expense. It enables businesses to leverage the latest technology to enhance important business functions without worrying about upgrades, purchases and technical issues.

There are many Hardware-As-A-Service options available, however the most common ones employed by business owners today include routers, telephone systems and mobile phones (where there is a rent to buy agreement). Popular devices such as Microsoft Surface have also recently been made available for rent under a HAAS model. Along with greater operational efficiency, there are several strategic benefits to moving your business from traditional on-site hardware to Hardware-As-A-Service. These include:

  1. Scalability – Hardware-As-A-Service enables your business to rapidly expand or contract hardware, software and maintenance according to your fluctuating needs – greatly reducing operating, consumables and depreciation expenses. It also allows you to reduce inefficiencies caused by outdated technology and take advantage of the latest offerings as soon as they become available – without any capital outlay or assigning resources to implement upgrades.
  1. Agility – The ability to respond quickly to new opportunities is a hallmark of being competitive. HAAS allows you to adjust your IT resources to meet these opportunities and redeploy management and staff to where they can provide the greatest benefit. It also increases the agility of internal processes by streamlining workflows and development cycles, reducing process complexity and centralising IT infrastructure – which not only delivers internal benefits but can also improve service responsiveness, leading to greater customer satisfaction
  1. Security – As more and more business is taken online, many business owners now face rising cyber security risks that threaten not only day-to-day operability, but intellectual property, confidential customer information and financial assets

HAAS gives you the confidence of knowing that your IT operations are monitored and protected around the clock by experts with the latest systems, so that downtime is minimised. This confidence also extends to your network of current and prospective business partners and suppliers. Leaders and decision makers are increasingly prioritising relationships with businesses that have sound, sustainable IT security systems in place.

To improve performance and stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly technology driven world, business owners must constantly innovate – seeking out ways to streamline core functions, lower overheads and maximise staff resources. Hardware-As-A-Service offers a powerful way to optimise a critical component of business operations – their IT function. By leveraging the flexibility, cost efficiency and responsiveness of HAAS, businesses can achieve a distinct advantage – one that provides immediate operational benefits, but also helps build a sustainable business.

If change and meeting your customers’ needs is a constant, doing nothing isn’t an option. Be sure you are partnering with a company with the depth and breadth of expertise you require. Particularly one who can help you navigate end-to-end managed services, cloud, mobile and paperless office technology. GPK consultant, Ben Holian, is available for a no obligation discussion on how GPK can help you reduce operational costs, manage your IT footprint more effectively and create an exceptional experience for your customers. Contact: Phone 1300 000 475 or email for more information.

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